This time of the year, we tend to notice more and more of those creepy crawly eight legged bugs both outside and inside our homes. They are not always overly harmful, but not exactly welcome either.
Repelling these tiny arachnids is something that can be a little tedious and sometimes a little costly as well. This post from Natural Living Ideas gives us 9 great ideas of ways to keep spiders out of our home with products that we may already have on hand, and even better, lack the chemicals that some of those over the counter repellents are made of.
Read the post here: 9 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home
If you need tips to keep spiders out of your home then chances are you’re pretty terrified of them! Why would you put a huge picture of a spider at the top of the post???
Thanks, I was thinking the same thing. Trying to open the attachment without looking at the picture because I knew it would be there.