I wish I could tell you who created these. In fact, if you know please tell me. I found them while browsing around Pinterest. These are so awesome, and if you have a stead hand, I’m sure you could make your own. In fact, you can get those rub on saying and quotes from the craft store, so you wouldn’t even need a steady hand. Love this, here’s the Pinterest board I found it on.
Hi Amanda, this image is from here http://frecklednest.typepad.com/la/2010/05/feature-blog-artrocks.html and the rocks themselves are made by a company called Artrocks
Thank you so much for finding the source!!
I love stones like these. I have found some at different Christian stores and also at those stores where you can get inspirational art and stones like these.
I buy rub ons in the scrapbooking department and then modge podge to waterproof. We collect stones on trips to make them even more personal.
The source listed above is from a website that designs blogs and websites. Artrocks is a client, and it’s website is shown as an example of the designer’s work. The actual website for Artrocks is http://www.artrocks.ca
I hope that helps!