When you see the words “Epsom Salts”, you may think of a nice relaxing day soaking in a nice hot bath. Or maybe you like to rest your tired toes in a tub of salts at the end of a long day. However, did you know that there are more uses for Epsom Salts than just the average soaking? This great post from One Good Thing by Jillee tells of 20 different uses that she has found. Some may surprise you and others maybe not so much. Be sure to also read through the comments at the end of the post to get some of her reader’s ideas as well.
Read the post here: 20 Unexpected Uses For Ordinary Epsom Salt
Epsom salts and Magnesium salts
are not quite the same things. Epsom Salts Is Magnesium Sulphate and Magnesium flakes are Magnesium Chloride.
Looking for more magnesium and Epsom salt recipes? Check out these DIY recipes
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