I’ve seen the dishtowel angels at craft fairs, but aside from Heidi Ott’s adorable creation, I’ve never seen any other dishtowel scarecrows. I think he’s so charming and just perfect for fall!… Read the rest
Video: Chalkboard Wall Calendar
I was over at Martha’s website today and this chalkboard wall calendar project caught my eye. We’ve all seen black chalkboard paint being used around the blogosphere, but this is the first time I’ve seen it in multiple tones. Martha … Read the rest
Scrap Fabric Pumpkin
I’m loving this piece of fall wall art made by Janet from Janet of All Trades. She used a simple pattern to cut out pieces of pretty fall fabric, then Mod Podge them on to a piece of painted canvas.… Read the rest
Jack O’ Lantern String Lights
In my humble opinion, there are different levels of creativity. I know a woman who can paint some of the most awesome tole designs, but she can’t paint without a pattern. I consider her extremely creative. Then there are others … Read the rest
Cardboard Tube Pumpkin Apple Garland
You’ve probably seen the cardboard tube wall art and the flowers made from tubes cut into thin strips and flattened. Well, Allison from A Glimpse Inside took this method and turned her cardboard tubes into cute little pumpkins and apples … Read the rest
Halloween Painted Luminaries
I’ve struggled for the last two weeks about whether or not I should post this. Why? Because it’s one of my crafts. The last thing I want people to think is that I am using this venue to further my … Read the rest
Kitchen Owl Towels
That’s even fun to say isn’t it? Kitchen Owl Towels. 🙂 If you haven’t been to Wendy’s marvelous site, Craft Jr., then you really are missing out. She has projects for all different ages, not just little ones, so be … Read the rest
How to Distress a Dresser
Cindy over at Cottage Instincts shares not only a play by play in words and photos, but also a video on how she distressed this gorgeous dresser. … Read the rest
Mouse Motel Pumpkin
Inspired by Martha Stewart, Stephanie Lynn made this adorable pumpkin for Halloween. See the mice? Don’t they look like they are climbing in and out of the pumpkin? Love it! 🙂 … Read the rest
Float Frame
This cool frame is made from vinyl die cuts and two layers of glass. This makes it look like it’s floating in the air. This is an easy project that anyone can do and Carloyn, over at The Crafty Penguin, … Read the rest
Door Knob Pumpkin Patch
Stephanie Lynn from Under the Table and Dreaming was guest posting over at How Does She and shared this adorably ingenious pumpkin patch made from repurposed door knobs. Fun!… Read the rest
Dryer Duct Pumpkin
Really? How smart is Allison over at House of Hepworths?? Don’t you just adore this pumpkin made from some dryer duct? This is fabulous! She’ll give you a step by step tute also, so be sure to check it out.… Read the rest
Fall Book Page Wreath
I have featured quite a few wreaths on this blog already, but I had to share this one from Jill as well. I like how Jill took the ever popular book page wreath to another level and added splashes of … Read the rest
Coffee Table to Bench
I love how Allison took this old coffee table, added some elbow grease and a bit of charm to come up with this adorable bench. Looks like the kitty really likes it too! She gives complete step by step photos … Read the rest
Duct Tape Purse and Wallet
One of the neighbor kids makes duct tape wallets. She’s 11 years old, goes to school with my youngest son, and makes them in all different colors and different types. Trifolds. Bifolds. Some with picture holders, some without. They are … Read the rest