The winter months can take a toll on our garage. Between the changing weather, our vehicles going in and out, and moving things around to get out the holiday decorations, there is a lot more activity in a garage than … Read the rest
Make Your Own Custom Built-In Shelf From Apple Crates
Making your own custom built-ins can be a lot of work, and cost a lot of money. If you are looking for a great way to have a built-in shelf, but can’t quit commit to the financial amount it will … Read the rest
20 DIY Ideas To Get Your Home “Summer Ready”
Soon enough, your kids will be getting out of school and the lazy days of Summer will be here. Give you home that extra touch of Summer with these 20 ideas you can DIY. They are all so easy and … Read the rest
20 Beautiful Before and After Photos of Table Transformations
Upcycling old furniture is quite the trend right now, and with the many different types of paints, stains and finishes available, you can have your own personalized look for not much money at all. These 20 transformations show how beautiful … Read the rest
Making Your Own Beach Buoy Yard Decor
Do you love the nautical look, and want to somehow incorporate it into your yard décor for this upcoming Summer? Take a look at these adorable weathered beach buoys we found over at The Turquoise Home. They are simply adorable, … Read the rest
9 Recipes To Make Your Own Household Cleaners
Keeping a clean and tidy home is essential for a healthy and happy living environment. However, many of the household cleaners available on the market are not only expensive but also contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both … Read the rest
Hammock Projects To Make Yourself
A hammock is something that is associated with relaxation, and what better timing to have a nice relaxing moment to yourself, than this upcoming Summer? Whether you have a nice shady tree, or a sunny window, a hammock is something … Read the rest
Beautiful Wind Chimes Your Can DIY
Do you just love the sound a wind chime during a soft Summer breeze? Wind chimes are very easy to make and with a little rummaging at your local thrift shop, you can make a wind chime for fairly cheap. … Read the rest
20 Crafts You Will Not Believe Are Made From Items At The Dollar Store
We all love to craft, that’s why we love this site. However, we also love to be able to save a little money while perusing our hobbies, and this post from the blog Little Red Window shows us 20 crafts … Read the rest
Planting Tomato Plants And Getting Them TO Grow 5-8ft!
There are few things better than having a fresh homegrown tomato to enjoy right out of your own garden. However, coaxing those plants to produce large, plump tomatoes can sometimes become a bigger chore than they feel they are worth. … Read the rest
Creative Ways To Store Your Bike
If you have bikes around your home, then you know that with this warming weather those wheels will be out and about more often than they have in the last few months. You also know that finding adequate and proper … Read the rest
10 Ways You Can Use Salt To Avoid A Household Crisis
Salt is one of those products that most all of us have in our homes in regular basis. Quite honestly, it may even be something you have in your food storage. Did you know some of the things salt … Read the rest
Create Your Own Topsy Turvy Planter With Galvanized Buckets
The look of the topsy turvy planter is not necessarily a new trend this year, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still popular. So many people love the look of the alternating flower pots and the illusion of them balancing … Read the rest
Romantic DIY Canopy Ideas For Your Master Bedroom
I don’t know why, but for me, decorating my master bedroom has been one of the hardest things for me. I have no trouble with the other rooms in my home, but my own bedroom is a completely different story. … Read the rest
36 Cleaning Tricks For Those Who Hate Cleaning
If you are like most people, you probably feel that you have better things to do with your time than to tackle the endless list of chores that comes with having a home. Trust me, you are not alone. Today … Read the rest