When buying a home, sometimes the best option for some people is to buy a manufactured home. While they are prebuilt, and portable, they can also be customized both on the interior and exterior. A few upgrades can also be … Read the rest
Storage Solutions for All Around the House
Whether you live in a small home, if you have a home full of children, or you just like things to be in a nice orderly fashion, being organized is very key in maintaining a clean home and keep your … Read the rest
Craft Room Storage Solutions
Finding appropriate and functional storage solutions for our craft room is not always an easy task. We need our products to be close at hand, yet visible (so we don’t forget what we have), and beautiful as well. We found … Read the rest
8 Front Porch Valentine Decor Ideas
Valentine’s Day is not exactly an overly expressed holiday in the decorating department in past years, but it is becoming more and more popular. I think everyone loves a great reason to decorate right? Yes, there is a lot of … Read the rest
Easy Ideas For Beautiful Kitchen Updates
Are you wanting to update and upgrade your kitchen? We always dream of the “perfect” kitchen that we would like to have, but time and money always seem to interfere with our plans. Well, if you are willing to do … Read the rest
Interesting DIY Projects To Make With Rope
Rope is something that most everyone has around their house. It comes in so man different weaves and textures that depending on the type of rope you chose to use, your project could come up with a completely different look … Read the rest
Attic Storage Solutions & Safety Tips
Do you have storage space in your attic that you utilize? A lot of older homes have large attic spaces that provide ideal space for storing seasonal and rarely used items. However, if you are planning to use your attic, … Read the rest
Have a blank wall that you don’t know how to decorate?
Blank space on a wall can be a little intimidating, especially when that space is large or oddly shaped. However, these ideas just may be able to get you past the road block you have been experiencing lately. With a … Read the rest
Great Ideas To Help Organize Your Home
I have this weakness for liking things to be organized. Ok, well maybe it’s not so much a weakness as much as it is a touch of OCD, but admitting the problem is the first step, right? Well, after stumbling … Read the rest
DIY Projects For Kids Rooms That Can Save You Money
We all know how expensive it can be to decorate a home, and when your have kids in the home, you also have more bedrooms to decorate as well. Before you go out to the local big box store to … Read the rest
Greenhouse Building Plans
Do you love to garden, but just don’t live in a climate that agrees with year-round gardening? Have you ever thought of doing your gardening in a greenhouse? Greenhouse gardening is not only great for those who like to have … Read the rest
Cork Art for Valentine’s Day Decor
Valentine’s Day is only a few weeks away, and if you like decorating for the “Day of Love”, then this is a cute and modern craft that you will love. It’s very quick and simple enough that you can have … Read the rest
51 Simply Genius Storage Ideas
A new year brings new opportunities to start fresh, and organizing your home can be one of those places to start over. These 51 ideas are just plain genius, and may leave you wondering why you haven’t implemented them into … Read the rest
Organizing For The New Year
Is getting your space organized on your resolution list this year? It is on mine for sure! No matter how much we hate to do it, organizing a space is not only helpful for finding things, but for simply aiding … Read the rest
Toddler Girl Room Décor Ideas
Customizing a room to fit the personality and character of your little girl plays a very important role in helping her to feel comfortable in her own space. Adding the right colors and amount of that color is key, and … Read the rest