Harvest time will soon be upon us and with that we will be busy at work trying to preserve the many fruits of our labors (no pun intended). If you are not a home canner, but have a garden, you … Read the rest
25 Outdoor Kitchen Inspirations
Having an outdoor kitchen may be a bit of a fantasy for some of us but why not dream, right? Whether you are in the state to be able to have an outdoor kitchen or not, here are 25 outdoor … Read the rest
Saving Money By Making Your Own Reusable Dryer Sheets
Laundry is a never ending task around most everyone’s home and to be honest, it’s not exactly a cheap endeavor. When you think about how much laundry soap you go through in one year alone, it can be a little … Read the rest
How To Make A Colorful Bottle Fence
I am swooning over this fun and colorful fence idea. This would be a great piece of art to have in your yard, while adding a touch of privacy as well. It may take you a little time to find … Read the rest
Organizing Your Car For Back To School
The kids will soon be back in school, and with that comes car pools and all of those extracurricular activities. As parents, we are constantly running from one place to the next. As much as we like to have … Read the rest
Shark Week: DIY Coaster
I’m going to be honest. Sharks are not my favorite creature. I guess it’s just something about the sharp teeth and their abilities to sneak up on you that just makes me feel vulnerable and unprotected. However, my irrational fear … Read the rest
How To Make Your Own Hanging Table
If you have been looking for an idea to make your own side table, but want something original and out of the box, this is just for you! I am absolutely in love with this beautiful and chic hanging table … Read the rest
29 Ways To Save Money While Cleaning Your Home
Who doesn’t enjoy a tidy home? I know I do! But let’s face it, the price that comes along with the cleaners you can use to keep you home that way is not something the average pocket book enjoys. A … Read the rest
Maximizing Your Storage Space Outside Of Your Closet
We are not all blessed with the luxury of a wonderful walk in closet in every room of our home. In fact, it’s not very often that there are even walk in closet in the master bedroom, unless you have … Read the rest
Pineapple Lamp made with Spoons
A lamp that looks like a pineapple? Made with 125 spoons? Yes, that is exactly what we are looking at.
This lamp takes work, but it is completely DIY and presumably lots of fun to make. And yes for adults … Read the rest
A whole floor made with Pallets
We have blogged about things to do with Pallets before. Here and here.
But this may be an entire new direction in which to take the craze for reusing pallets.
Admittedly, the floor looks great and this is a … Read the rest
20 Tutorials To Make Your Own Photo Frames
Decorating your home can sometimes be an overwhelming task. However, we all want to add a family photo, or an inspirational quote into our décor. Why not make your own frame to enhance that special piece of art? It can … Read the rest
Harvesting Your Own Vegetable Seeds
You’ve worked hard all season to tend and cultivate your garden. The hard work is starting to pay off by reaping a harvest, and you are finally starting to enjoy those benefits. Before you start chopping and dicing all of … Read the rest
20 Unexpected Uses For Epsom Salt
When you see the words “Epsom Salts”, you may think of a nice relaxing day soaking in a nice hot bath. Or maybe you like to rest your tired toes in a tub of salts at the end of a … Read the rest
9 Amazing Moss-Covered Craft Ideas
Soon enough, the weather will start to cool down and Fall will be upon us. With that, our outdoor space will start to lose it’s lush and beautiful color. Moss is a great way to add some color to your … Read the rest