The creative Ashleigh from Bee in Our Bonnet is one of the crafty ladies who moved on to Round Two of Crafting with the Stars. This wonderful cubby shelf project was her entry for round one and obviously the voters … Read the rest
DIY Farmhouse – Coffeehouse Sign
I love old, rustic signs. This coffeehouse sign, made by Gail from Gail’s Decorative Touch is the perfect addition to her kitchen. Loving the barn red sign with white lettering, and the crown on top is the perfect accent!… Read the rest
Falling Leaves Art
If you have an old frame, some scrapbook paper and a hole punch, then Julie over at Less than Perfect Life of Bliss will show you how to make this adorable piece of art. This is something that even the … Read the rest
French Fruit Wall Art
I said before I wouldn’t use Craft Gossip as a way to further my personal blog. However, I’ve been posting the projects from the fun competition, Crafting with the Stars, and this project just happens to be mine. 🙂 This … Read the rest
Paint Your Curtains
Jen over at Tatertots and Jello has a knack for finding hidden talent. She features guest posters on her blog, many of which I end up following. This week she featured Rachel from First Home Makeover and her painted curtain … Read the rest
5 Subway Art Ideas for Halloween
Subway art is a fun way to dress up any room for any occasion or, as in this case, for any given holiday. Halloween has brought out more subway artists and I’m happy to share some of the designs I … Read the rest
Rasterized Wall Art
I found this fabulous wall art collage over at the amazing Ikea Hacker blog. Once you head over there you will see that each of the hanging prints is pixelated and when displayed together creates a fabulous piece of wall … Read the rest
Halloween Crafts Round Up
Are you guys getting tired of seeing all the pumpkin ideas and wreath crafts I’ve been featuring? I still have more in my arsenal 😉 but for now I’ll share some other fun projects I found for Halloween. I’m sad … Read the rest
Creative Clocks
You can purchase a clock mechanism at any hobby and craft store and pretty much make anything into a functioning time piece. So whether you are revamping an out dated clock you found at a thrift store, or you are … Read the rest
4 Fun Mod Podge Projects
For a long time I thought it was “modge” podge, and apparently I am not the only one. It’s such a common mistake that even shopping sites use both terms to make sure to get into both sets of search … Read the rest
Outlet Cover Plaque
The Spray Paint Queen recently remodeled her kitchen and replaced all of her outlet covers. What a fun way to recycle those old covers! I can see many possibilities with these covers that make perfect little frames.… Read the rest
Preserving Fall Leaves
The colors of fall are so beautiful. Here’s a easy and frugal way to keep that color at bay. All you need are some leaves, an iron and some waxed paper and you are all ready to go!… Read the rest
10 Fall Wreath Ideas
The wreath projects around the internet are abundant! I’ve already featured quite a few wreath projects, but more and more just keep hitting my radar. How can I hold them all for myself? Wreaths are such a fantastic way … Read the rest
Lil’ Cowboy Sign
I am in love with this sign. Makes me wish one of my boys was into the cowboy theme. I love how Ali made this plank of wood look like a chunk of wood flooring! If you haven’t been to … Read the rest
Shuttered Dormer Window
Brittany over at Pretty Hand Girl took this dormer window from drab to fab by dressing it up with some sunny paint, a pair of shutters, a cheerful sign and a few other accessories. Now the window is welcoming and … Read the rest