Something I really haven’t tackled too often is revamping pieces of furniture. I’ve done an occasional chair to dress up a corner, but that’s about it. I find revamp projects to be totally fascinating, educational and let’s not forget what … Read the rest
Checkered Trunk
I have a really cool old trunk at the foot of my bed. I’ve been trying to decide what to do with it. When I saw this beautiful transformation it really inspired me. I haven’t done anything with mine yet, … Read the rest
Stenciled Desk
This desk really caught my eye today. The first thing I noticed were its lovely curves. I just love the character this desk possesses, and Christina gave it a facelift and some beautiful stenciling to take it over the top. … Read the rest
$2 Chair Makeover
I love furniture makeovers. What I love even more is saving a ton of money. Turning someone’s discarded items into your own treasures can be so gratifying! Gina from The Shabby Chic Cottage will take you step by step through … Read the rest
French Dresser Redo
Just look at the voluptuous curves on this dresser’s drawers! This little beauty was a marvelous Craigslist find at only $40.00. Al the hardware was in tact, so Cassie from Primitive and Proper went to work and transformed this from … Read the rest
Purdy Project round up at The CSI Project
This gorgeous desk makeover from Mud Pie Studio is only one of the amazing paint projects featured over at The CSI project today. You must go take a look, there are just too many cool things to list. Head over … Read the rest
Vintage Look Cherry Label Table
I have no idea how I missed this table over the summer. I am in love with this. Vintage produce labels are so hot and making something look old from something that isn’t is even hotter! Polly from Make Mine … Read the rest
Patchwork Covered Chairs
I came across these totally cool chairs on Green Eye Monster today. An old salvaged quilt with a crazy design was repurposed into chair covers making this set of dining room chairs rad and hip! Check out these patchwork covered … Read the rest
5 Sheet Music Craft Projects
I have yet to make anything with sheet music myself, but the sheet music crafts available in blogland are truly inspiring. So many great ideas, so little time! If you have a sheet music project that isn’t listed here, add … Read the rest
Desk Redo and Acid Mirrors
Scary sounding isn’t it? I think Mandi from Vintage Revivals is pretty brave to work with acid, can’t say whether or not I would! I have to admit though, I love the final result of these mirrors, and the dresser … Read the rest
Maze Wall Art Tutorial
How fun is this?? Emily from The Boy Trifecta shows you how to make these cool mazes from chalkboard paint that also double as wall art! Emily was paired with Char of Crap I’ve Made in Crafting with the Stars. … Read the rest
Tabletop Sign of Memories
Just the other day I featured a marvelous table from Funky Junk Interiors. Seems I’m not the only one who liked it! Leslie over at Rustic Whimsy was inspired by Donna’s table and decided to make her own. I love … Read the rest
Tabletop Sign
Looking at this fabulous table you probably think that whoever made it took an old sign and used a jigsaw to cut the circle out, right? Donna from Funky Junk Interiors makes some pretty amazing things, this table is one … Read the rest
Owl Table
Amy over at Mod Podge Rocks made this adorable owl table that I am in love with. I adore anything with owls. I used to collect them, and can you believe don’t have a single one left in my house?? … Read the rest
Card Catalog Buffet
I came across a blog called Dream Book Design where Adri and her beloved bought an old card catalog cabinet from Craigslist and transformed it into this unique and beautiful buffet.… Read the rest