Herringbone is a very trendy pattern right now, just as gold is the “in” color to decorate with. What better way to add in a touch of color and pattern than with a beautiful accent table? This amazing DIY project … Read the rest
Vinyl to wood top table makeover
Alexis Middleton of Persia Lou was able to give a sad, vinyl-covered kids table a whole new look by replacing the vinyl with a wood top! The chairs were updated with spray paint and hand-stamped fabric as well.
And I … Read the rest
Make your own Deck Furniture
.. the easy way with inspiration from this idea from a few years ago. Now that spring is here, it is time to get out of the house and start actually implementing these ideas to get into the backyard. Get … Read the rest
Grain Sack Chair Upcycle
This is a tutorial for a no sew, up-cycled dinning room chair revamped with spray paint and a vintage burlap sack.
Go get the details at boyohboyohboycrafts.com: Upcycled Chair.… Read the rest
End Table Makeover
This is a very thrifty and modern revamp of a side table by Sarah from whiletheysnooze.blogspot.com.
And all it took was some paint! I also love the fact that she has pictures of her kids doing all the hard work … Read the rest
Repurposed Card Catalog
Taking a year to make this repurposed card catalog is surely the longest DIY project in history?
But who cares – when the end result is so useful!
The original card catalog was cut in half and then repurposed, primed … Read the rest
Furniture Transformation using a Projector
What an awe inspiring transformation – and what a clever way to do it!
Guest posting at kristendukephotography.com, Beth from sawdust and embryos, shows us how she transformed a simple dresser with a coordinated pattern for using as a change … Read the rest
Chair Makeover
Jenna of SewHappyGeek, reviews the book Contemporary Upholstery by Hannah Stanton and in the process actually converts an old chair to look kindda groovy!
Here is the old chair.
and here is the cool, upholstered one.
Read her full review … Read the rest
DIY Repurposed Pallet Desk
WOW. I mean really.. wow. I never in a million years would have thought to turn a pallet into a flip down desk! This is an amazing project and the moment it came through my email I wanted one! Luckily … Read the rest
7 Repurpose Craft Projects for the Home
Repurposing means you have taken something that is no longer useful or desirable in its current state and transformed it into something completely different. Repurposing is actually what we do when we say we are “recycling” in the craft world. … Read the rest
Thrift Store Furniture Play Kitchen
This totally fun and colorful play kitchen was made from a piece of furniture you can find at a thrift store or Craigslist. Miranda Walker was the designer and shares her instructions on Create. Head over there to see the … Read the rest
Card Catalog Side Table
Can I just say I want one?? I really love this makeover, and I think I’m particularly smitten with the color! I’m sometimes afraid to use color because I’m not sure it will look right. Then I end up with … Read the rest
Herringbone Paint Stick Table
This table is absolutely stunning, don’t you think? Believe it or not, this beauty is actually made from paint stir sticks! I know, amazing! If you head over to Infarrantly Creative, you can find out exactly how this was made. … Read the rest
Yardstick Stool
Four beautiful stools all made by one talented DIY blogger. I love them all, but I am absolutely smitten with the yardstick stool. Oh kitchen bar stools would look fabulous like this, don’t you agree? Get some of your own … Read the rest
Repurpose Old Furniture Into Pet Beds
The DIY Network has a fun feature with several ideas on how to take a nightstand or side table and repurpose it into a bed for your pet. Of course, if you pet is a 100 pound German Shepherd like … Read the rest