When it comes to designing and decorating your garden space, the flowers and foliage are not the only thing to worry about. If you love having things dressed up, down to the arbors and canopies, then a beautiful and functional … Read the rest
Make Your Own Space Saving Vertical Vegetable Garden
Have you been looking for a great way to have your own vegetable garden that doesn’t seem to take up a lot of space? Maybe you don’t have a lot of room to plant the traditional garden, but you still … Read the rest
How To Make a Planter From an Old Tire – and Use It Two Different Ways
Do you love having a unique type of décor style to your home? Maybe your eye is drawn to those things that just stand out from what everyone else has. This DIY tutorial is perfect for you, and is very … Read the rest
Make Your Own Outdoor Tiki Torches From Copper Piping
These outdoor tiki torches are a great addition to any backyard space this Summer! They give the perfect touch of modern design, yet provide you with a great décor and lighting option for your outdoor parties. Made from copper piping, … Read the rest
Make a faux copper indoor planter
How amazing is this faux copper planter from our sister site Craftbits.com?
This DIY offers everything that you might need to actually make this weekender project. You can substitute any indoor plants that you like, for example, succulents or air … Read the rest
Wonderful Home Maintenance Checklists For Outdoor Upkeep
Owning a home has a lot more to it than just making a house payment and keeping things tidy. In order to keep our homes in their best condition there is regular maintenance work that needs to be done, This … Read the rest
8 DIY Sprinklers For Kids
It’s only a few days into Summer break for most kids, and if you have already heard that dreaded phrase of “I’m bored”, then this is a post you won’t want to miss. Making your own lawn sprinklers is so … Read the rest
10 Unique Trellises from Thrifted or Recycled Items
Do you have a climbing plant in your garden space that needs a special place to spread? If you have any type of foliage that requires some aid to move and grow, then a trellis is probably what you need … Read the rest
Plant Your Furniture…..Literally!!
Are you tired of using the same old planters year after year to display your favorite blooms? Take your gardening to the next level this year and use a unique piece of furniture for your gardening pot. This post shows … Read the rest
DIY Outdoor Playset Projects To Make For Your Kids
Now that the Summer months have finally arrived, children everywhere will be spending the majority of their days playing outdoors and soaking in the sun. While most kids have quite the imagination to come up with their own fun, it … Read the rest
Make Your Own Garden Water Feature For Under $30!
Installing a water feature in your garden can be somewhat out of the picture for most, simply because of the cost associated with such. This contemporary design is very easy to put together and install, and can be done for … Read the rest
Making Your Own Beach Buoy Yard Decor
Do you love the nautical look, and want to somehow incorporate it into your yard décor for this upcoming Summer? Take a look at these adorable weathered beach buoys we found over at The Turquoise Home. They are simply adorable, … Read the rest
Hammock Projects To Make Yourself
A hammock is something that is associated with relaxation, and what better timing to have a nice relaxing moment to yourself, than this upcoming Summer? Whether you have a nice shady tree, or a sunny window, a hammock is something … Read the rest
Beautiful Wind Chimes Your Can DIY
Do you just love the sound a wind chime during a soft Summer breeze? Wind chimes are very easy to make and with a little rummaging at your local thrift shop, you can make a wind chime for fairly cheap. … Read the rest
Planting Tomato Plants And Getting Them TO Grow 5-8ft!
There are few things better than having a fresh homegrown tomato to enjoy right out of your own garden. However, coaxing those plants to produce large, plump tomatoes can sometimes become a bigger chore than they feel they are worth. … Read the rest