15 Plants, Fruits, and Vegetables to Plant This Summer.
Are you stuck for ideas on ho to get started with your summer planting? maybe you do not have a green thumb or just need a little motivation. Well here are … Read the rest
Ideas For DIY
15 Plants, Fruits, and Vegetables to Plant This Summer.
Are you stuck for ideas on ho to get started with your summer planting? maybe you do not have a green thumb or just need a little motivation. Well here are … Read the rest
Homework, meals, meetings, conversations, drinks, parties, forts, and more – your dining table is one of the busiest places in your home. It is the hub of activity, a gathering place for family and friends, and the spot where … Read the rest
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to add some love and romance to your home. One easy and fun way to do this is by creating a Valentine’s Day wreath. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or just starting out, there … Read the rest
Add some curb appeal to your home for the holidays with these creative DIY outdoor Christmas decor ideas! From garlands to wreaths, planters, and everything in between, creating a festive porch and yard is not an impossible task.
Even if … Read the rest
Terrariums are miniature gardens made in glass containers that don’t require a lot of room, making them the perfect decor project to add to a home, especially where space is limited. There is no end to the variety of DIY … Read the rest
Daybeds are the ultimate source of comfort and relaxation, perfect for those lazy days spent indoors. However, many people believe that purchasing a daybed can be a pricey investment. But the truth is, with a little creativity and effort, you … Read the rest
DIY Pallet wood projects for outdoor spaces are an ideal and budget-friendly way to create the oasis you have always wanted in your yard. Free pallets can usually be found on your local giveaway websites, behind businesses and sometimes you … Read the rest
This DIY is one of my favorite and very simple to make. Its a small wall planter using scrap wood and test tube that I can hang without any drilling on dry wall. If you are in a rental home … Read the rest
We all need some fun craft projects in our life, and if you’re looking to make something, now is your chance with these colorful, amazing windchimes. These wind chimes are made from different materials some of them are made from … Read the rest
We all have some seashells and glass and general ‘junk’ from the beach, and you probably have no use for them all. That’s why we’ve created this list of 17 Wind Chimes that you can make with seashells and sea … Read the rest
This unique piece of garden decor or yard art was handmade using a slice of wood. I created an African bush scene to go on my resin, but any image or decal can be added. This can be made to … Read the rest
I had an old outdoor table that had been left out in the elements. I used some scraps of wood from my scrap pile to give this table a makeover using the idea of a barn quilt. The scraps of … Read the rest
This DIY solar water fountain planter is an easy project that provides beauty and flowing water anywhere in the garden or around your home. No need to worry about long cords or electrical outlets with a solar fountain and you … Read the rest
When you walk onto our backyard deck, your attention is immediately drawn to several birdcages hanging from the pergola, gently swaying in the breeze. They’re in all sizes and shapes and each is at a different stage of aging and … Read the rest
Gardens are wonderful for growing your own fresh produce and eating homegrown food right off the vine. But they don’t have to be just functional…your garden can also be beautiful! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have fresh food growing in … Read the rest