It is my enduring desire, to one day get into gardening with my kids. Before they grow too old.
Because, you know, all kids like to play in the dirt and mess around in the sand – with their bare … Read the rest
Ideas For DIY
It is my enduring desire, to one day get into gardening with my kids. Before they grow too old.
Because, you know, all kids like to play in the dirt and mess around in the sand – with their bare … Read the rest
How cool is this. Perfect for a household with teens, this would make a quick DIY project. Use pallets, string them together and hang them up to make a garden chair.
The original instructions are in Greek. But you don’t … Read the rest
I-would-never-get-off-this-bed. Never. Ever.
Picture perfect and ready to “flop” on with a glass of Sangria in one hand and the latest John Grisham in another, this bed would “make” a backyard or outdoor space.
Beware though – even though this … Read the rest
The homemademom (also known as Val) has transformed an ordinary outdoor table that used to look like this:
To a spectacular faux French linen inspired theme:
With the use of some primer, spray paint and enamel the transformation is nothing … Read the rest
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like pizza, especially since you can customize it to suit any taste buds. I like my pizza with anchovies and a nice crisp bottom. I even love the slightly burnt smoky taste that … Read the rest
I recall when I was around 12 I wanted to plant some herbs in my brothers old gym shoes. My parents looked at me with those “Oh you’re so creative but weird” eyes. Perhaps it was the fact they were … Read the rest
Finally something to do with all that assorted Crystal you got for your wedding day, you know the ones you put into the back of the cupboard cause they were TOO special to actual use. Image source is Arslibrarium
What … Read the rest
Each year I get better and better at gardening. I don’t have a full fledged garden flagged off in my yard, but I do have some tomatoes in containers, a huge planter full of many different herbs, and a few … Read the rest
Memorial Day, while not the official first day of summer, marks the opening of theme parks, campgrounds, and tons of other summertime activities and attractions. It’s also one of the biggest picnic days of the year. No doubt there will … Read the rest
Spring is finally here, and the Midwest is shedding its cold, snowy blanket. The tulips are starting to peek through the soil and the snow has finally melted away. As we look forward to the warmer months ahead, it’s natural … Read the rest
People use planters for many reasons: container gardening, indoor plants, kitchen herb gardens and even for decorative purposes. No matter what your reason for wanting or needing a container for your vegetables, herbs or plants, here are several ways to … Read the rest
I can’t help it, my brain is stuck is spring mode. It doesn’t matter that there’s snow on the ground, or that it snowed for the last 4 days here. I can’t get my mind off of spring. I have … Read the rest
Here’s a creative way to use outdated floppy disks, create a tech garden! These would make fun gifts too, and the succulent idea is a great one for those with a less than green thumb. Get the tutorial here — … Read the rest
Whether it’s crafts or organizing, feeding your pets or making Kool-Aid, there are plenty of ways to reuse milk jugs. So before you send them to the recycle bin, check out Home Made Simple for a bunch of great ideas … Read the rest
Hit the thrift store lately? Or maybe you have a bunch of mismatched dishes you aren’t sure what to do with. Create a dish garden in your home, a fun element that’s bursting with life. Get the instructions here — … Read the rest