Here’s a fun idea for a kitchen herb garden. You’ve seen the upside down tomato plants, so why not upside down any plants? Head over to Persephone Magazine to get the tutorial for this Hanging Herb Garden.… Read the rest
Easy Eggshell Garden
I’ve always been a fan of cute and quaint looking garden projects. This project from Country Woman Magazine has been done for years and never gets old. I just love the country look of them! I did something similar for … Read the rest
Newspaper Seedling Pots
I meant to plant seeds myself today but I let the day get away from me. I like this method. They are pretty and totally compostable. Once the seedlings are hardened off, simply plant the whole thing in the ground. … Read the rest
6 Creative Gardening Projects
Welcome to our latest roundup article! As a gardener, I know that planting seeds and starting a new gardening project can be exciting and fulfilling. Even though it may seem a little late, I don’t think so, and I’ll be … Read the rest
From Chairs to Bench
This project totally caught my eye. I love it when people think outside the box. Instead of just redoing some old chairs, they were made into a fun and colorful bench that’s perfect for your front porch, deck or yard. … Read the rest
Faux Chalkboard Herb Pots
This is a project that I made to celebrate spring and my love of herbs. I love to cook and use fresh herbs whenever I can, so having them growing in my kitchen is the ideal situation. Clay pots cam … Read the rest
Rhubarb Stepping Stones
Rhubarb stepping stones anyone? I love the idea of this project. Using some cement, a circular mold and a giant leaf from a rhubarb plant, you can make these cool stepping stones. Now granted, the original blog post is in … Read the rest
Build Your On Chicken Coop
Having chickens on your property can bring numerous benefits, including fresh eggs and a connection to the earth. However, if you live within city limits, you may not be allowed to have chickens on your property. This can be a … Read the rest
Crafts Using Leftover Egg Shells
Now that Easter is here you’re undoubtedly going to have several colored egg shells gracing your compost bin. That’s certainly a great way to dispose of them, but before you ditch them all, check out some of these fun projects, … Read the rest
32 Ideas to Decorate Your Garden
I don’t know about where you live, but in southeast Wisconsin the weather has been unseasonably warm. Beautiful in fact. I just went to Florida for a week to escape the cold and as it turns out, there was no … Read the rest
Book Review: Terrarium Craft: Create 50 Magical, Miniature Worlds
Terrariums. Teeny, tiny worlds filled with pretty stones, soft sand and tiny living plants. A beach scene might include some found driftwood and seashells, while twigs and moss will be more prominent in a forest scene. They’re beautiful to look … Read the rest
DIY Spoon Hangers
You must click over and see the other photo in this post showing these spoon hangers with jars of vibrant flowers hanging from them. You could probably make these yourself, but these sell for $15 which is a really good … Read the rest
Aluminum Duct Tape Garden Markers
I realize that gardening season is over, but when I saw this I knew I had to show you so you could save the instructions for next year. I love the look of these and they are so easy! This … Read the rest
Rhinestone Flamingo
Oh my! How fun and creative is this?? Now I’m feeling bad for getting rid of that ugly plastic flamingo left in the shed from the previous owner of my house. What a great way to change up an outdated … Read the rest
Organizing Tools with a Rake
How brilliant is this? I love how simple but smart this is. Found this on Do It Yourself via Pinterest. — Outdoor Ideas – Accents – Garden Display – Do It Yourself.… Read the rest