I would love to see a DIY version of this. How cool would this look in your living room?
Talk about a great party conversation starter!
The cage was made by Ateliers Seewhy and is being exhibited at Gallery Gosserez… Read the rest
Ideas For DIY
I would love to see a DIY version of this. How cool would this look in your living room?
Talk about a great party conversation starter!
The cage was made by Ateliers Seewhy and is being exhibited at Gallery Gosserez… Read the rest
It’s actually, who’s there owl wreath.
And it is very clever and looks amazing – especially for Halloween.
An idea that started out with using some canning jars ended with this wreath.
If you’re as intrigued as I am – … Read the rest
What else do you need from artwork but neon felt? Asks Dom from craftedblog.
And looking at the image above and the step by step instructions from her blog, I would tend to agree.
If you agree as well, then … Read the rest
Yes they are a pain – they are pesky, always around where there is fresh fruit and are a pain to get rid of.
So, it’s with great joy I bring to you a homemade fruit fly concoction that I … Read the rest
This is a very thrifty and modern revamp of a side table by Sarah from whiletheysnooze.blogspot.com.
And all it took was some paint! I also love the fact that she has pictures of her kids doing all the hard work … Read the rest
Taking a year to make this repurposed card catalog is surely the longest DIY project in history?
But who cares – when the end result is so useful!
The original card catalog was cut in half and then repurposed, primed … Read the rest
You might need a lot of belts for this one. But the result might be spectacular.
Sally and her partner wanted to create something different and unique for their own apartment and they made this chair using old belts (from … Read the rest
Found via Apartment Therapy, this clever transformation of the empty space above the stairs ticks all the boxes for creativeness and resourcefulness.
Faced with a small apartment with not much space for play or office work, Angie got her husband … Read the rest
Where we live, 4 backyards congregate together. But they are separated by fences. And thus – the old style talk to your neighbour over the backyard fence – ritual is somehow skewed.
So when I read this post on ModernFarmer … Read the rest
I love the idea – but I really don’t know how DIY it is.
Lego inspired (and Lego used) Kitchen island is installed in this kitchen. The designers used 20000 pieces of Lego. A herculean task – but … Read the rest
We love our Roomba and Scooba’s. You know – pet robots that clean and vacuum the house. So it was no surprise to learn that there are similar products for the farming industry as well.
Not DIY – but you … Read the rest
A great idea for Halloween night – using just felt bats. Our Felting editor found this in a mag and has linked you to a bat felt pattern so you can make your own.
Go check out Linda’s post on … Read the rest
If you live in warm climate – growing citrus trees is not a problem. But what if you’re not in such an area?
ModernFarmer shows you step by step how to grow your citrus fruits – like orange and lemon … Read the rest
Something for the weekend.
Want to get rid of that old colander and get a new one? Don’t throw the old one out – repaint it and transform it into a light fixture.
Get the details at kristendukephotography.com photography blog: … Read the rest
I was always very good at Math at school – irrespective – I would not have been able to put together this creative wood pendant light frame by Vintage Revivals by myself.
So it really helps that her instructions are … Read the rest