I normally don’t link to BuzzFeed. It’s just not very DIY friendly. But they have this wonderful list of 22 great projects using cement. And it has some great ideas.
Like making some cement painted brooches, coasters, and … Read the rest
Ideas For DIY
I normally don’t link to BuzzFeed. It’s just not very DIY friendly. But they have this wonderful list of 22 great projects using cement. And it has some great ideas.
Like making some cement painted brooches, coasters, and … Read the rest
Completely recycled – using baby food jars from freecycle, miss p from portialawrie has created this DIY spice caddy.
It looks fabulous and are a great hack – for anyone who has way too many spices and not enough space.… Read the rest
Using a cool glass container, some mod-podge, artifacts from a beach and some small plants – GerberMom of Henry Happened created this cool glass beach terrarium that looks spectacular.
You can get the kids involved to first get them to … Read the rest
We have a tutorial on creating your own epsom salt luminaries on CraftBits:
One of the tips I have learned with Epsom salts is to actually be careful where you spill it, it can absorb water if … Read the rest
An old 1916 Kitchen sink – and a desire to make something with it – led to the creation of an outside water fountain.
Although not really a tutorial – this is a fun idea. Now to go scrounging in … Read the rest
A beautiful project – created for a Lowes challenge – this marquee letter looks pretty cool and works wonders for an outdoor space.
Learn to make this at the Tatertots & Jello Project website.… Read the rest
This is probably one of the easiest DIY rope planters idea that I have found. Simple and elegant.
Go get the details of the DIY rope planters here at Elise’s blog.… Read the rest
This vase is made from an old (and empty I presume) Pringles Can. Hard to believe isn’t it.
There is a whole craft movement that creates DIY items using Pringles Cans and this one is a shining example.
Go get … Read the rest
Using a stencil, Ashley, converted this table into a work of art. Or something close to it.
Go see her redo here: Paisley stenciled table.… Read the rest
Rachel, from AdventuresOfADIYMom, has made this little framed pin cushion which is recycled from an old frame and scrap fabric.
It’s the perfect addition to any sewing table! And a great use of a frame.
Go get her tute on … Read the rest
Saw this on Pinterest – and it doesn’t have a link.
But the picture itself should give you the clue as to what needs to be done.
The redo adds a clever touch to a normally boring bathroom wall.… Read the rest
The image says it all. I don’t actually know the origins of this image – but well – I tried it, and it works.
So whoever came up with this idea. Thank You!… Read the rest
It’s easy to create a perpetual calendar with a chipboard shape from the craft store, scrapbook paper, and metal clips. This calendar can last for years!
Get the details on how to make this at the PitterAndGlink blog: DIY Perpetual … Read the rest
This DIY pallet love seat project kept popping up in my inbox and Pinterest – but without a working link. And if you know the style of this blog – we just don’t post anything unless we can track down … Read the rest
I recently posted 10 DIY Dog Bed projects post – and that has been the most popular post on this blog for the last 3 weeks.
So I decided to do a roundup of Cat projects – but found out … Read the rest