The simplicity of this idea amazes me. What a great way to get your kids involved in making something for dad’s office. And it is actually practical as well (unlike – ahem – some of the other kids crafts).
What … Read the rest
Ideas For DIY
The simplicity of this idea amazes me. What a great way to get your kids involved in making something for dad’s office. And it is actually practical as well (unlike – ahem – some of the other kids crafts).
What … Read the rest
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like pizza, especially since you can customize it to suit any taste buds. I like my pizza with anchovies and a nice crisp bottom. I even love the slightly burnt smoky taste that … Read the rest
There are gardens and then there are string gardens. These gardens by the Amsterdam based artist Fedor Van Der Valk are a work of art. His work is on display in cafes and shops around his home town and you … Read the rest
I recall when I was around 12 I wanted to plant some herbs in my brothers old gym shoes. My parents looked at me with those “Oh you’re so creative but weird” eyes. Perhaps it was the fact they were … Read the rest
Finally something to do with all that assorted Crystal you got for your wedding day, you know the ones you put into the back of the cupboard cause they were TOO special to actual use. Image source is Arslibrarium
What … Read the rest
How creative is this!
Jenn of EndlesslyInspired created this paint chip flag for 4th of July and I must say, it is one extraordinary piece of art!
It looks a lot of work, but with kids helping, I am pretty … Read the rest
Here are this weeks top DIY lampshades from around the internet. These projects are sure to inspire you from the boring normality of plain store bought lamps into something creatively wonderful.
1: Jute Wrapped Shade by Handmadehome
2: Plastic cup … Read the rest
Today is my last day as editor of the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. My reasons for leaving are bittersweet. I have become so busy with freelance crafting work (which is a sweet thing!) that I have been … Read the rest
This is such a fun project for the 4th of July and so creative and colorful! I spoke with the designer and she said she did her research for anyone who may be concerned about using these decorated napkins in … Read the rest
Even though I’m British born, I was raised from a toddler in the great United States of America. I hold the Pledge of Allegiance very dear to my heart and am proud to stand and recite whenever called to. This … Read the rest
Using a paver stone from the home improvement store, some chalk to create the grid and painting designs on smooth rocks, you too can create a fun outdoor tic tac oe game. Perfect for your deck and great for adults … Read the rest
Learn how to use cement and a star shaped vessel to create these fun and festive star votive holders for the 4th. There’s a step by step tutorial and plenty of pictures over at Henry Happened — How to make … Read the rest
This isn’t a DIY project, sorry. But, for those of you that love to create knock offs of get inspired by something, here’s a project in the making for your entertaining needs. These are cutting boards… on legs. Can’t be … Read the rest
Seriously! This is awesome. It doesn’t have to be for Father’s Day either, although that’s what this particular cooler stand was, a Father’s Day gift. Wouldn’t this be a great addition to your backyard? I love it! Check it out … Read the rest
Sometimes you just have to go BIG to make a statement. Sometimes the space you’re trying to fill needs a large piece to really make it pop. That’s what’s happening here with these enormous letters that spell out the word … Read the rest