Many families enjoy at least one night a week where they spend some quality time together away from television and computers. In this electronic age it can be quite challenging to unplug and just enjoy each others’ company. Here you’ll … Read the rest
6 Cool Laundry Room Projects
Oh how I envy those with a laundry room to decorate! My washer and dryer are in the basement with a concrete and various pipes for the backdrop. The scene definitely presents a challenge for me, but hopefully some day … Read the rest
Giveaway: DecoArt prize package!
In honor of National Craft Month, the wonderful folks at DecoArt have offered this fun prize package to one lucky reader! This prize package includes:
2 8-oz bottles of Americana paint
8 oz bottle of Weathered Wood crackle medium
8 … Read the rest
Giveaway: Craft Corps
We are halfway through our month’s worth of giveaways for National Craft Month. Lark Crafts generously offered several book titles to our readers with a new book giveaway each week.
This week Lark brings us Craft Corps: Celebrating the … Read the rest
Make Dog Toys from Sweater Sleeves!
Love this! My dogs would love it too. Erika over at Craftstylish will show you how to turn the sleeves of sweaters into soft squeaky dog toys. Why just the sleeves? Well because she’s made plenty of other projects from … Read the rest
My monsters in Parents Magazine
I’m always “gossiping” about other blogs here at Craft Gossip. So today I wanted to share something fun about me. 🙂 Back in October I did a project for Parents Magazine and the issue is finally out! See my monsters … Read the rest
Giveaway: 6 pack Krylon spray paint 2!
In continuing our celebration of National Craft Month, as promised here’s the second giveaway pack from our friends at Krylon. We are giving away a total of FOUR 6-packs of their fabulous spray paint with a new winner … Read the rest
Giveaway: Plaid goodies!
Hurray for National Craft Month! Who knew I would have so many fun prizes for you?? The friendly folks at Plaid Enterprises have offered two prize packages, the first of which begins today. One lucky winner will receive the … Read the rest
13 DIY Clock Projects for Daylight Savings!
Welcome to our latest roundup article! Today, we’re excited to share with you 13 DIY Clock Projects in honor of daylight savings time. As we turn the clocks ahead and welcome the spring season, it’s the perfect time to add … Read the rest
Giveaway: Candlemaking and Soapmaking
In continuing our month’s worth of giveaways for National Craft Month, Lark Crafts has offered several book titles we know you will love! There will be a new book giveaway each week, as well as other fun prizes throughout the … Read the rest
6 Pretty Chair Makeovers
Oh how I envy those that can reupholster furniture! I can’t tell you how many wonderful chairs and stools I have seen in the thrift stores just begging for a new life. I find inspiration is those who have that … Read the rest
6 Pretty Plant Ideas
I am itching to get outside if this snow ever goes away! I’m really looking forward to fresh herbs, growing tomatoes and watching beautiful flowers bloom. I’ve been collecting some pretty and inspiring planter projects. I’m sure some of these … Read the rest
Amazing Apartment Renovation
A friend on Stumble Upon shared this with me and I have to say WOW. I am not into modern design, but just the sheer creativity involved in this projected has me gasping. Be sure to check out the details, … Read the rest
Giveaway: Gorilla Glue!
In our ongoing month of giveaways in honor of National Craft Month, our friends at Gorilla Glue have offered this fun prize pack! But don’t worry, if you aren’t the winner of this pack, you’ll have another chance later … Read the rest
Under-Stair Storage Cabinets
These are so cool don’t you think? I originally saw these on Pinterest (you can find me on Pinterest here) and followed them back to Workbench Magazine. They have created these really cool cabinets that are designed to … Read the rest