Melanie from The Crafty Cupboard and Jill from Homemade by Jill put their heads together in round 2 of Crafting with the Stars to come up with this uniquely beautiful culinary statement! These ladies are moving on to round 3, … Read the rest
Old Door to Bedroom Sideboard
Heidi from HoneyBear Lane took an old door, created some paper mache letters from cereal boxes, and painted, painted, painted until she turned out this fabulous addition to her child’s bedroom. Heidi was paired with Amy of The Idea Room… Read the rest
Maze Wall Art Tutorial
How fun is this?? Emily from The Boy Trifecta shows you how to make these cool mazes from chalkboard paint that also double as wall art! Emily was paired with Char of Crap I’ve Made in Crafting with the Stars. … Read the rest
Got Chickens – Painted Tile
Do you remember when I introduced you to Renee at Kudos Kitchen and all of her amazing painted tiles? In this “got chickens?” post, Renee shoots a couple of short videos as well as providing step by step photos … Read the rest
Tabletop Sign of Memories
Just the other day I featured a marvelous table from Funky Junk Interiors. Seems I’m not the only one who liked it! Leslie over at Rustic Whimsy was inspired by Donna’s table and decided to make her own. I love … Read the rest
Snow Banner
Snow?? Already? Well, yes I suppose it’ll be here soon. When Halloween ends that signals the ramp up to the Christmas and winter season. Amy over at Mod Podge Rocks has a great idea for you to usher in the … Read the rest
Candy Wrapper Decoupage
I love decoupage. Such a fun medium and so versatile! You can decoupage almost anything. Here we are, the day after Halloween, and you’ve got all that candy laying around. Don’t let those colorful wrappers go to waste! Martha has … Read the rest
Pumpkin Bird Feeder
Oh Martha you’ve done it again! I’m not really sure how long this would last before rotting, but what a fun idea anyway! When it turns yukky, stick it in the compost bin.
Get the pumpkin bird feeder how to… Read the rest
Crafting with the Stars, Round 2
It’s time again to vote for your favorites! You may vote for 3 different projects from the 9 represented. 6 will move on to the next round, so go and cast your vote! Polls close Monday night.… Read the rest
Email Marketing for Etsy Sellers
I love finding stuff on accident, don’t you? First I was visiting my crafty friend Wendy, from Then I discovered she had posted a link on Facebook where I found this great informational article about how Etsy sellers … Read the rest
PB Inspired Cubby Shelf
The creative Ashleigh from Bee in Our Bonnet is one of the crafty ladies who moved on to Round Two of Crafting with the Stars. This wonderful cubby shelf project was her entry for round one and obviously the voters … Read the rest
Tabletop Sign
Looking at this fabulous table you probably think that whoever made it took an old sign and used a jigsaw to cut the circle out, right? Donna from Funky Junk Interiors makes some pretty amazing things, this table is one … Read the rest
DIY Farmhouse – Coffeehouse Sign
I love old, rustic signs. This coffeehouse sign, made by Gail from Gail’s Decorative Touch is the perfect addition to her kitchen. Loving the barn red sign with white lettering, and the crown on top is the perfect accent!… Read the rest
Falling Leaves Art
If you have an old frame, some scrapbook paper and a hole punch, then Julie over at Less than Perfect Life of Bliss will show you how to make this adorable piece of art. This is something that even the … Read the rest
Turquoise Acorn Wreath
The latest color trend is turquoise. You can see it everywhere. In magazines, on websites, blogs… everywhere! I am totally loving this acorn wreath that was painted turquoise and hung on the door for all to enjoy!… Read the rest