Brooke over at All Things Thrifty uses spray paint quite a bit. As a result, she has received numerous questions from readers on anything from why she uses it to what brand she buys. She’s received some great questions and … Read the rest
Rooster Silhouette
Laura at Just for Love made this cute country rooster silhouette frame for a whopping $0.00. That’s right! Everything she used she already had on hand. Gotta love roosters!… Read the rest
Artist Jan Dwyer’s Amazing Carvings
In August I traveled to Iowa to visit relatives and for the first time, go to the Iowa State Fair. When I entered the building that housed several artisans and crafters, the first booth I came across was Jan’s. I … Read the rest
Decoupage Pumpkins: A Redo
Last year Connie from Shady Creek Lane hopped on the black and white pumpkin band wagon. They were quite the craze last year, but turns out she didn’t like the results after all. This year she did a “do over” … Read the rest
PB Inspired Pillow
Richella from Imparting Grace made this adorable pillow (in the foreground), inspired by a pillow she saw at Pottery Barn. I swear I could spend all day looking at PB inspired projects! … Read the rest
Birch Cake Stand
I have to admit, I never would have thought to use birch wood to make a cake stand! Leave t to Martha. ๐ Wouldn’t this be a perfect additional to a cabin dining table?
See the instructions for making a … Read the rest
Music Sheet Dresser
This beautiful piece of furniture started out as one of those ugly Salvation Army or Goodwill dressers. You know the ones. The kind you bought for your first apartment when you were 20, or the kind that you pass by … Read the rest
15 Wreaths to Decorate Your Home
I’ve been quietly collecting wreath ideas for a few weeks now. There are hundreds more ideas out there I am sure, but here’s a pretty good sampling of ideas to get your creative juices flowing. While wreaths are definitely used … Read the rest
Sports Number Art
One of my boys plays baseball and football, another one of them plays football and does track, and my daughter plays soccer. So sports numbers are big around here. I love the look of this numbered artwork, especially displayed with … Read the rest
Old Window to Message Center
I’m diggin’ what Pretty Hand Girl did with this old curbside window. She turned it into this functional and pretty message center for her mud room. She used foam core, fabric and chalkboard paint to create this great piece.… Read the rest
Tin Foil Nightstand
How cool is that? A nightstand covered in tin foil. Wild! it’s not just foil though. With the help of Mod Podge, steel paint and glaze, this once plain white piece of furniture is now hip and happenin’. … Read the rest
Wire Wrapped Stars
Maggie from Generally Creative made these cute stars while on a long car trip. She has a fabulous step by step photo tutorial for making these cute little guys. You could leave them plain, spray paint them, cover them in … Read the rest
Autumn Flower Arranging
This quick and simple step by step takes you through what goes in first and how it should all end up. I personally need help in this area, flower arranging is not my strong point!
See the step by step … Read the rest
Paperback Pumpkin
Heidi over at The Craft Monkey put together this cute Jack O’ Lantern by using a paperback book. Boy, the books I have passed by at garage sales! Tons of trashy romance novels, and they could all be living a … Read the rest
Salt Dough Halloween Bowl Fillers
Salt dough is a favorite medium of mine. I’ve spent many years making crafts with kids and have made countless cookie sheets full of salt dough shapes. It’s fun, it’s easy, it’s inexpensive. You can easily create your own with … Read the rest