Laundry is something that we just have to do. As much as we may or may not like it, it’s just a task that has to be done. No matter if it’s just your own clothes to be washed, or if the pile of clothing seems utterly endless, doing the wash is just a regular task. We have our very own DIY laundry powder recipes here.
This wonderful recipe is shared with us from the blog Why Not Sew, and tells us just what we need to make our own laundry detergent for only 1 cent per load. Yes, I typed that right, 1 cent! She made 2 gallons, which equals out to 576 loads, for only $6. I’m convinced that I will start making my own detergent. How about you?
Read the post here: How To Make Homemade Laundry Detergent
I’ve been making my own detergent with this basic recipe for many years – I love the cleaning properties, and will probably never go back to commercial detergent. I used to “cook” it like this, but for the past several years I have streamlined it for myself – it takes a while to get the soap and powders to dissolve when cooking it. I add the grated soap bar (I use Fels Naptha, a laundry soap bar – $1 each), and the one cup each of Borax and washing soda to my blender, and mix to a uniform fine powder. I use about a tablespoon per load. You can also add scent crystals, Oxy Clean boosters, essential oils, etc.
The 576 loads claim is a bit misleading – at one half cup per load, the 2 gallon recipe will wash 64 loads. If you are figuring that a box of Borax, a box of Washing Soda and 9 bars of soap will make 9 batches, you can come up with a total of 576 loads. This is an older (2011) article, and prices have gone up – Borax and washing soda are $4-$5 per box where I live, and figuring .50 each for 9 bars of soap, the price has gone up a bit, but is still very economical at less than 5 cents a load!
Good article – I hope more people start making it!