I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like pizza, especially since you can customize it to suit any taste buds. I like my pizza with anchovies and a nice crisp bottom. I even love the slightly burnt smoky taste that … Read the rest
8 Creative Gumboot and Croc Shoe Planters
I recall when I was around 12 I wanted to plant some herbs in my brothers old gym shoes. My parents looked at me with those “Oh you’re so creative but weird” eyes. Perhaps it was the fact they were … Read the rest
Yard Art – Crystal Mushrooms
Finally something to do with all that assorted Crystal you got for your wedding day, you know the ones you put into the back of the cupboard cause they were TOO special to actual use. Image source is Arslibrarium
What … Read the rest
Top 9 DIY Lampshades
Here are this weeks top DIY lampshades from around the internet. These projects are sure to inspire you from the boring normality of plain store bought lamps into something creatively wonderful.
1: Jute Wrapped Shade by Handmadehome
2: Plastic cup … Read the rest