I really should have thought of this. But Mindi from mylove2create beat me to it.
Well, my loss is your gain. She created a snack crate to feed her six kids in between meal times.
Go find out how she … Read the rest
Ideas For DIY
I really should have thought of this. But Mindi from mylove2create beat me to it.
Well, my loss is your gain. She created a snack crate to feed her six kids in between meal times.
Go find out how she … Read the rest
Trawling through Pinterest, it must be obvious that a lot of DIY ideas are just pictures that don’t link anywhere or don’t have any decent instructions behind them. So we decided to do something about that. We have gone through … Read the rest
How cool is this. Perfect for a household with teens, this would make a quick DIY project. Use pallets, string them together and hang them up to make a garden chair.
The original instructions are in Greek. But you don’t … Read the rest
This is the perfect kind of hack for the weekend. And a new cure for that broken fan that you don’t need anymore and is probably catching dust in the attic or basement or the spare room.
Marlene of the … Read the rest
The wonderfully talented sisters, Jen and Shannon, of the blog eat.sleep.MAKE have created these checkered planters out of checkered paint. The idea is simple, yet very effective.
Get the tutorial and the steps for these checkered planters.… Read the rest
The other day it occurred to me that I spend way too much time in the laundry. I even have my iPhone set to remind me each evening before bed to pop another load into the machine. I try and … Read the rest
You might be slightly over the whole Ombre thing. But before we see the last of it, lets make sure we see the best. Here are some of the top Ombre picks that have been featured on Craftgossip.com in the … Read the rest
Mini Gardeners, is a blog dedicated to creating inspiring gardening projects for children and they have a cute idea to re-use those normally drab window sills (especially in kitchens) that get no use at all (besides oddments, random keys … Read the rest
The craze of subway art canvases doesn’t seem to be going away. And why should it? These canvases with inspirational quotes are both personal and emotive.
The only problem so far was that these quotes were hard to personalize and … Read the rest
After finishing and sharing her bathroom makeover earlier, the pin junkie has come back and told us what started the bathroom makeover in the first place: the framing of the mirror!
She has finally finished this makeover and she shares … Read the rest
Finally something to do with all that assorted Crystal you got for your wedding day, you know the ones you put into the back of the cupboard cause they were TOO special to actual use. Image source is Arslibrarium
What … Read the rest
This is such a fun project for the 4th of July and so creative and colorful! I spoke with the designer and she said she did her research for anyone who may be concerned about using these decorated napkins in … Read the rest
Even though I’m British born, I was raised from a toddler in the great United States of America. I hold the Pledge of Allegiance very dear to my heart and am proud to stand and recite whenever called to. This … Read the rest
Using a paver stone from the home improvement store, some chalk to create the grid and painting designs on smooth rocks, you too can create a fun outdoor tic tac oe game. Perfect for your deck and great for adults … Read the rest
Learn how to use cement and a star shaped vessel to create these fun and festive star votive holders for the 4th. There’s a step by step tutorial and plenty of pictures over at Henry Happened — How to make … Read the rest