Genius. I’m in love with this fun word search chalkboard wall art from Infarrantly Creative! What a great conversation piece this would make anytime someone comes over. You could use words that relate to your family, or a favorite vacation, … Read the rest
15 Shamrock Crafts for St. Patrick’s Day
Shamrock crafts are very popular now, and dressing up your home with a shamrock here and there is a great way to show your holiday spirit during St. Patrick’s Day. Many shamrock crafts are geared at kids, but I’ve put … Read the rest
Gorgeous Shabby Chic Easter Egg tutorial
It’s quite possible you’ve seen this already on Pinterest. However, my guess is going to be that your experience was the same as mine in that you couldn’t find the tutorial. Instead, you simply had a really long image, all … Read the rest
15 Bunny Silhouette Crafts for Easter
I’ve always loved silhouettes, especially for crafts. They have a simplistic beauty, there’s no real detail to worry about, and they are quite striking to look at. I’ve been spotting several bunny silhouettes around and have been saving them here … Read the rest
Transferring Vintage Graphics to Wood & Metal
There’s a cool new way to transfer photo images, graphics and even your own drawings or kid’s coloring pages to other surfaces. The product is from Plaid and it’s called Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium. This post from Atta … Read the rest
Decorating With Washi Tape
Washi tape is all the rage, isn’t it? Have you used it yet? If you haven’t, here are several ideas from Home Made Simple to get you started — Decorate With Washi Tape. There are plenty of ideas to … Read the rest
Mixed Media Spring Shrine
This pretty project is made up of different elements to express the beauty of spring. The use of Styrofoam, decoupage, paint, card stock, moss, tissue paper and the list goes on, this is a lovely piece that’s fun to make. … Read the rest
Recycled Bottle Party Lanterns
Did you know that Craft Gossip has a sister site called CraftBits? There are tons of free project tutorials over there, including this pretty Recycled Bottle Party Lantern. So be sure to head over and have a look around!… Read the rest
Portrait And Gallery Walls: All You Need to Know
Have you been dying to create a portrait wall with your family photos or other art and just don’t know where to start? A must read is this great guide that includes tips for creating the Framed Portrait Wall that’s … Read the rest
Budget & Kid-Friendly Craft Studio
A reader from Handmade Charlotte shared this budget friendly and kid friendly crafting area that she was inspired to make after visiting the blog. After you click through, you will be able to visit another post that shows you her … Read the rest
15 Yarn Crafts that don’t require needles
Don’t steer away from the yarn aisle just because you don’t knit or crochet! There are plenty of other ways to use yarn in projects. There are some great tips for ways to use yarn here –>> Easy Yarn Crafts… Read the rest
14 Colorful Wreaths You Can Make
As a crafter, I am all about color. Multiple colors entwined together are bright, vibrant, and happy. A wreath made of several colors is cheerful and welcoming and makes people smile. I found several colorful wreath tutorials to help you … Read the rest
9 Springs Wreaths You Can Make
I am dying for spring, and a wreath is a great way to bring that feeling to your home even while the snow is still flying. If you’re like me and you live anywhere east of the Rocky Mountains and … Read the rest
Wood Pallet Map
Amy from The Idea Room took an old pallet and transformed it into this beautiful piece of map art! She was inspired by a map she had seen on Pinterest, I know I’ve seen it out there too. Check out … Read the rest
Fabric Canvas Art
This project is perfect for those pieces of fabric that aren’t big enough to make sew anything from, but too big to scrap. Stretch them over canvas for a pretty and bold statement. See the post here — Home Decorating … Read the rest